Media/Press Relations
If you would like to collaborate with Olga Noskova, please check the media kit.

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To share Olga's work on social media or news, please contact us directly.
Featured at:
The Independent UK:
"The glazing on these cakes is so perfect it's borderine pornographic"
Daily Mail UK:
"The fairest of them all! Russian baker's marble mirror desserts with stunning flawless glaze look almost TOO good to eat"
Bravo TV:
"These Mirrir Cakes Are the Most Glamorous Desserts We've Seen All Year"
Cosmopolitan Russia:
"Her cakes are a real work of art!"
Grazia Germany:
"Eigentlich zu schön zum Essen:
"Glossy Cake""
Afisha Daily:
"A pastry chef from Ufa was nominated for the international award for social networks (the 9th Annual Shorty Awards)"
"People Are Loving This Woman's Mirror Finish Cakes"
"These stunning, shiny cakes are making the internet drool"
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